Nonferrous Exports Surging

Exports of nonferrous scrap have boomed this year. Nickel, copper, and aluminum have been particularly strong. Nickel exports were 31%…

7 years ago

Flooding Impacts Auto Market

Automotive recyclers and salvage yards may be deluged by vehicles damaged by the hurricanes that have hit southern states in…

7 years ago

Hurricanes Disrupt Scrap Supply

The bigger the disaster, the bigger its effects on the scrap industry. When homes are destroyed, buildings damaged and automobiles…

7 years ago

Plan Ahead for a Hurricane

Preparing a scrapyard for a hurricane should begin well before the winds start whipping. Creating, reviewing and revising an emergency…

8 years ago

China Scrap Ban Looms

China intends to ban certain scrap from being imported, citing environmental concerns. Recycling industry leaders expect more bans to follow.…

8 years ago

Using Yard Management Reports to Reduce Risk for Scrapyards

Running a scrap metal business requires a lot of your attention. Whether you own the recycling center or manage it,…

8 years ago

Steel Production Keeps Increasing

Steel production remains strong domestically and abroad. Domestic raw steel production was up 4.4 percent for the year-to-date through March…

8 years ago

Steel Production Starts Strong

Steel production has surged in early 2017. Domestic raw steel production was up 4.7 percent for the year-to-date through Feb.…

8 years ago

Steel Market Forecast 2017

The World Steel Association projects that global steel demand will increase by 0.5 percent in 2017 to 1,510  million tonnes…

8 years ago

Prepare Your Scrap Yard for 2017

Another year is almost finished.When it comes to scrap yard management, assessing how you fared this year will help you…

8 years ago