Scrap Yard Software

Scrapyard Pro helps you run your business more efficiently.

How can we help you?

Make Money
Accurately calculate profits by using the actual costs paid for materials.
Save Time
Automatically populate registration forms by scanning a customer’s driver’s license, capture fingerprints and signatures digitally, and take high-resolution photos of both the customer and the material purchased.
Secure Peace of Mind
Compliant in all 50 states, Scrapyard Pro can help prevent your business from being disrupted, and possibly avoid costly fines, by automatically ensuring that every transaction that you make complies with state and local laws.
Automate Reporting
Easily export all required transaction data to your law enforcement agency or record management service, such as Business Watch International (BWI), BWI'S RAPID system or LeadsOnline MTIS (Metal Theft Investigation System).
Prevent Theft
Integrate with your security cameras and scales to ensure that transactions are recorded properly. You also can restrict access to ticketing and cash registers.
Protect Data
As some states require that your transaction data be retained for a certain period of time, we will store your data for 10 years in our safe and secure data storage facility, keeping it completely disaster-proof. And, your customer data is easily searchable.
Buy Wisely
Scrapyard Pro provides automatic alerts for expired licenses, underage customers, and alerts of your choice.
Please Customers
Pull up all of a customer's information by having them re-scan their fingerprint each time they visit.
Track Shipments
Use GPS to locate vehicles, monitor current speeds and fuel levels, follow arrivals and departures, and communicate with drivers.

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